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  So what have they been doing to get it running now that it is back in town?

 How can you help to get the carousel up and running? It’s obvious that it’s not going to happen from “the top down”. The foot-dragging has got to the point of embarrassing the city nationwide. While other cities like Missoula, Salem, Helena, St. Augustine and numerous cities across the country are working hard at various levels of restoration and return of their carousels, we are just sitting around broke.. Coeur d'Alene is the only city to have its carousel return...and in better shape that when it left! Let's make it happen!!!!

It is also obvious that a grass roots effort is necessary to get this project off the ground. Funds are in precious short supply so what can the average citizen do? WRITE letters to the editors of regional papers- the Coeur d’Alene Press, the Inlander and the Spokesman/Review. Call the TV stations and ask them what the delay in getting the thing running is . Talk to your neighbors and send them to this site and talk to your elected representatives. They work for you...some of them forget that. If they can come up with $multi-million park plans, professional ball fields and Jr. College rebuilds that benefit a few they should be doing cartwheels about a project that won’t cost the citizens anything and will benefit the widest number of citizens.

Do you have photos, stories or things of interest that you would like to have people from our city see? Go to the “Contact” link and send us a note/ comment. We would love to share your historical contribution. We really like the gritty side of know, the way it REALLY was.